SmartParks Exhibits at AZA 2022 Annual Conference

We launched our product in 2020 during the early stages of the pandemic. Since the AZA 2020 and 2021 annual conferences were both held virtually, this year we were really looking forward to attending our first in-person AZA event. As newbies to the convention scene, we set up a little 10x10 booth with the goal of giving as many people live demos of the product as possible.

We had a great time meeting a ton of new people - both from various zoos and aquariums around the country, as well as other vendors in this space (like Piaggio Fast Forward next door who makes little helper robots). We’ll be back at the annual conference again in 2023 in Columbus, so if we didn’t get a chance to meet you this year, we’ll see you then.

Our humble corner of the convention center.


Doing Our Small Part for the Planet


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